February 22, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

LTD board thanks Emily Secord

3 min read

A fond farewell to a member of the LTD board. Reminding the board of the upcoming ‘roadeo’ June 26th, General Manager Mark Johnson.

[00:00:08] Mark Johnson: On Sunday we’ll have our Annual Roadeo Day for bus operators and staff out on our bus lot, and it’s always a fun event. And board members are welcome to attend. So just let me know if you are interested and we’ll make sure you can get in.

[00:00:25] And then also Emily Secord’s last official meeting as a board member.

[00:00:29] And I just want to really thank Emily for her time on the board. It sometimes can be very demanding and so we really appreciate the time you put in and the effort. So thank you for that. Unfortunately. we can’t have a party for you in person, which we are hoping to have, but we’ll buy you a drink later, right?

[00:00:48] So we just wish the best to you in your new endeavors and new addition to your family and all the stuff you have going on. So good luck with that.

[00:00:55] LTD Board member Emily Secord: Thank you.

[00:00:58] LTD Board Member Susan Cox:  I was just going to say, Emily, congratulations and best wishes. And I guess maybe we can’t give you a drink right now, so we’ll wait. Good luck with everything.

[00:01:12] LTD Board Member Michelle Webber: And Emily, it’s been a pleasure working with you. I wish you the best of luck with your new little one coming into your world and how fun and how tiring all at the same time, but you’ll rock it.

[00:01:24] LTD Board Member Pete Knox: Emily, good luck to you and thanks for all your service on the board and good luck with the new baby. Wow. Thank you.

[00:01:35] John Q: During the public comment period, executive director of Better Eugene Springfield Transportation, Rob Zako.

[00:01:42] Rob Zako: I’m Rob Zako, executive director of Better Eugene Springfield Transportation, of course. and this afternoon, I’d like to direct my comments to you, Emily. Being on the LTD board is arguably a thankless job. I wanted you to know that I, and BEST, and the community appreciate all of your efforts.

[00:01:57] I recall meeting with you a number of years ago when you were considering applying for the position and asking about what was involved and sort of the pros and cons of serving. I don’t remember what I told you back then. I don’t know how things turned out. It probably was different than either of us expected. That’s how life goes.

[00:02:13] I’m pretty sure that the governor didn’t appoint you because you have an expert knowledge of transit. But I know that you’re good with numbers and finances. And I know that you’ve asked a lot of hard questions and you’ve looked at budgets and contracts. That’s not very sexy work. It’s not even fun work. But it’s really important.

[00:02:29] That’s the kind of oversight that an agency needs, to make sure that somebody is representing public interests. And I know that you’ve done that diligently, and I just want to say that we’re very appreciative of that. We understand you have other challenges in life that you’re moving on to, arguably more important than looking over a transit agency.

[00:02:45] So I just want to wish you well with your work life and your family life and thank you for all of your efforts.

[00:02:53] LTD Board President Caitlin Vargas: That was nice well wishes about Emily. We’ve just been so grateful to work alongside you. So, well said.

[00:03:01] John Q: Thank you Emily for your service! With terms for Don Nordin and Caitlin Vargas ending this year, three of the seven board positions will be appointed by the governor.

Whole Community News

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