March 11, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Wall pours start Sept. 20 for East 40th water tanks

2 min read
Concrete work on the East 40th water storage project is well underway and will continue through late spring and early summer 2023.

by the EWEB East 40th Water Storage Project Team

Eugene Water and Electric Board Concrete work on the East 40th water storage project is well underway and will continue through late spring and early summer 2023. The project is on schedule and on budget.

What to expect:

Both of the 7.5 million gallon tanks are being constructed concurrently, beginning with the floors, then walls and columns, and eventually roof slabs.

The floor of the first tank is poured and cured, and the wall forms are going in while the floor of the second tank is poured. Floor pours for the second tank will start at 7 a.m. on Sept. 19, Sept. 29, and Oct. 12.

The contractor will begin pouring the walls on Sept. 20. They will use a crane to inject the concrete through “windows” in the wall frames. Pours will occur twice a week starting at 8 a.m.

By the end of the month, the support columns will start going in.

The concrete trucks and pumps will create engine noise and a loud humming sound. In between pours, while concrete is setting, it will be fairly quiet at the site.

Reminders regarding general construction impacts:

We will only do work during hours that the City of Eugene noise ordinance allows and we will communicate work hours as the work progresses.

Truck noise such as beeping is not easily mitigated as that is an OSHA-required safety feature and needs to be loud enough for someone to hear while wearing hearing protection. When possible, trucks will be routed around the site to avoid the need to back up.

While we can’t anticipate or mitigate all impacts, we will be responsive to your questions, suggestions, or concerns. Please reach out to us directly so that we can quickly address any issues that arise by email at or by phone at 541-685-7899.

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