10 apply for Ward 7 council vacancy
1 min read
from City Recorder Katie LaSala
The City of Eugene received 10 applications for the appointment of Interim City Councilor, Ward 7.
The City Council plans to appoint an interim councilor by Dec. 12, 2022 and has already conducted the following steps:
- Wednesday, Oct. 5: Confirm process, application, and supplemental questions.
- Thursday, Oct. 6 to Wednesday, Nov. 9: Activate application, publicize appointment opportunity with press releases, media announcements, website posts, and notice to community groups.
- Wednesday, Nov. 9: Application deadline, 5 p.m.
- Monday, Nov. 14: Submitted applications and interview ballot sent to council.
The next steps are scheduled:
- Wednesday, Nov. 23: Council interview ballots due.
- Monday, Nov. 28: Councilors submit interview questions. Selected applicants contacted to confirm interviews.
- Monday, Dec. 5 to Wednesday, Dec. 7: Special meeting to conduct interviews.
- Thursday, Dec. 8: Council nomination ballots due.
- Monday, Dec. 12: Council meeting/action to confirm appointment of interim councilor.
Applications are available to view, along with information about next steps, on the City’s Mayor and City Council webpage. For more information about the interim appointment process, view City Council’s October 5, 2022, Special Meeting and presented materials.
The person appointed will serve until a successor, duly elected in May 2023, takes office in July 2023. The successor, elected in May 2023, will serve out the remainder of the current City Council Ward 7 term (January 2021 to January 2025).
Ward 7 residents are also sharing information about the candidates at the website https://ward7neighborsunited.org/.