Northwest Eugene residents were told to ‘evacuate now’ July 15
3 min read
Lane County Commissioner Pat Farr (July 16, 2024): There was a wildfire in Northwest Eugene yesterday, a very large one out off Bodenhamer Road, about a little over half a mile from where I live. I saw the smoke, I observed the fire as it progressed. It was in hayfields.
[00:00:18] Today I toured the area and I saw the actual genesis where the fire fanned out from a single point. Hard to say what caused it, but what I wanted to mention was that about halfway through the conflagration, the Eugene Fire Department called all off-duty personnel to duty to fight the fire. It was raging, it was moving very, very fast, and while it was contained ultimately by the A2 channel, which is a channel that runs from Amazon Creek to Fern Ridge, it was many homes, even lives, were in danger.
[00:00:49] I want to thank the Eugene Springfield Fire Department in particular for their call to action yesterday outside of the urban growth boundary. Their call to action yesterday was tremendous. The people out there were relieved when when the fire was put out and Prairie Mountain School (which is about a quarter of a mile from where I live) was the rallying point for the people who were evacuated from the homes. We had a Stage 3 ‘Evacuate now, leave, grab-your-pets-if-you-can’ type of emergency.
Once again, Chair, thank you for indulging me in this. But thank you to the Eugene Springfield firefighters and to everybody who helped contain that fire…Lane Rural Fire Department and a number of other fire departments were instrumental in helping control that blaze. So the firefighters in general really turned out in force to make certain that no homes were destroyed and that the blaze was indeed curtailed, stopped completely before it reached any residences.
[00:01:37] John Q: Wildfire isn’t an issue only for South Eugene, as residents in the Northwest hear a Level 3 evacuation notice. The Bodenhamer Road Fire showed how quickly a wildfire can spread, given wind and dry fuels.
from the Lane County Sheriff’s Office
July 16, 2024: Evacuation lifted for Green Hill Road and Bodenhamer Road
As of 8:48 a.m. July 16, 2024, the Level 1 evacuation notice for the area south of Bodenhamer Road and west of Green Hill Road has been lifted. Fire crews may be in the area for some time. If you observe flames, please call 911.
Thanks to the many firefighters who responded and law enforcement partners who assisted with evacuation notices.
Map and updates at
REMINDER – Sign up for Lane Alerts! These emergency alerts can be received by email, text, or phone call, and are specific to the address in Lane County you provide.
July 15, 7:30 p.m.: Evacuation notice lowered to Level 1 ‘Be Ready’
As of July 15, 2024, 7:30 p.m., the areas south of Bodenhamer Road and west of Green Hill Road have been downgraded to Level 1 (Be Ready). Level 1 means you should be aware of the danger that exists in your area. Monitor local media outlets and telephones to receive further information.
The Level 1 evacuation notice has been lifted for areas south of Royal Avenue from Greenhill Road to Fern Ridge Lake.
Updates available at
July 15, 6 p.m.: Level 3 ‘Go Now’ evacuation notice issued after wildfire starts west of Green Hill Road
As of July 15, 2024, 6 p.m., a Level 3 (Go Now) evacuation notice has been issued for the areas south of Bodenhamer Road and west of Greenhill Road, due to a wildfire in the area.
Level 3 means leave immediately! Do NOT take time to gather things. GO NOW!
If you evacuate or are looking for someone who has evacuated, please reunify at Prairie Mountain School, 5305 Royal Avenue, Eugene.
Areas south of Royal Avenue from Green Hill Road to Fern Ridge Lake have been issued a Level 1 (Be Ready) notice. Level 1 means you should be aware of the danger that exists in your area. Monitor local media outlets and telephones to receive further information.
Updates available at