March 13, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Harlow reactivates; neighborhood meeting March 12

2 min read
Harlow Neighbors will meet March 12, 6 p.m., at the Mohawk McKenzie Grange Hall, 3055 Willakenzie Road.

Presenter: Harlow is the latest neighborhood to start reactivating. At the City Council meeting March 10, Councilor Jennifer Yeh:

Councilor Jennifer Yeh: So I am very excited to announce that the neighborhood association in Harlow, the Harlow Neighbors, has been working really hard to reactivate. And they are having their first meeting in a while, this Wednesday, March 12, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Mohawk McKenzie Grange Hall, which is the white grange hall on (3055) Willakenzie (Road).

[00:00:31] It’s pretty easy to find. If you live in the neighborhood, you know where it is. So anyone who lives in Harlow that’s been missing their neighborhood association and would be interested in joining them, please do.

[00:00:41] Presenter: The Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) was praised March 11 by Lane County Commissioner Laurie Trieger:

[00:00:48] Commissioner Laurie Trieger: I just wanted to acknowledge that Commissioner Buch and I and several members of our staff were at the LCOG dinners last Friday, and had the wonderful joy and honor of watching Greg Rikhoff be surprised by being awarded Outstanding Public Employee of the Year for his many, many contributions to many jurisdictions, but particularly here in Lane County, and also our elections clerk joined us. Our former (County Clerk Dena Dawson) elections clerk joined us to celebrate the elections team and the whole crew of half a dozen or so were up on stage to receive their award for their outstanding service for the last year. So that was pretty great.

[00:01:27] Presenter: Councilor Matt Keating:

[00:01:29] Councilor Matt Keating: I just want to turn the community’s attention to the Lane Council of Government who held their annual awards dinner Friday night at the Armory in Cottage Grove. It was an event that was also a fundraiser for Senior & Disability Services. I want to thank Commissioners (Heather) Buch and (Laurie) Trieger for attending, EWEB Commissioners Sonya Carlson and Timothy Morris.

[00:01:49] I want to congratulate our very own Tai Pruce-Zimmerman who won an award so I congratulate Tai on his accolades and my boss, Sen. James Manning, was awarded 2024 Outstanding Elected Official of the Year so congratulations to Sen. Manning and thank you to LCOG not only for putting on a stellar event, but for all Lane Council of Government does to make the critically important connections in our community, but most importantly, helping seniors and our most vulnerable community members in need, senior and disability services, certainly need amplification. And if you’d like to learn more, go to

[00:02:34] Presenter: Harlow Neighbors are reactivating, and the city and county celebrate their top public servants at the Lane Council of Governments’ annual fundraiser.

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