March 31, 2025

Whole Community News

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Homes For Good to open 50 waitlists for housing July 26

1 min read

by Homes for Good

Homes for Good will be opening all 50 of our waitlists for housing programs around Lane County! Of the 50 waitlists, 47 will be open to applications and three are accepting referrals only.

Applications will be available on our website,,

We will be opening all waiting lists during a “Waitlist Connect” event for two weeks, starting at 9 a.m. July 26, 2022, and closing at 4 p.m. August 9, 2022. This will include the Housing Choice Voucher program waiting list (also known as the Section 8), the Project Based Voucher program, Public Housing, Multifamily Housing, and Affordable Housing waiting lists.

For more information about the types of programs you can apply for and their requirements, please access the resource guide for Waitlist Connect.

Download Waitlist Connect Resource Guide
Download Waitlist Connect Flyer

Apertura de listas de espera – Evento Waitlist Connect

La Agencia de Vivienda Homes for Good del condado de Lane de Oregon, abrirá todas las listas de espera durante el evento “Waitlist Connect” que tendrá una duración de dos semanas desde las 9 AM hora del pacifico el 26 de julio hasta a las 4 PM del 9 de agosto de 2022. El evento incluirá la lista de espera del programa de vales “vouchers” de selección de vivienda (también conocida como el programa de Sección 8), así como también incluirá las listas de espera del programa de proyecto de vales, viviendas públicas, viviendas multifamiliares y viviendas asequible.

Descargar Waitlisit Connect guía de recursos
Descargar Waitlist Connect folleto

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News