Presenter: One Lane County resident tells commissioners: We need to stop hating one another over political issues, because we're going...
McKenzie River watershed
Presenter: After encountering reliability issues and range anxiety, the Lane Transit District hopes to reduce the number of electric buses...
Presenter: Lane County's public housing agency reports on recent meetings with the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)....
Presenter: With a quick briefing March 18 on the recent flooding and evacuations, Lane County Administrator Steve Mokrohisky: Steve Mokrohisky...
Presenter: Describing the personal toll of federal funding freezes, at the Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAGUE) Feb. 7 and the...
from Indivisible Eugene Springfield Training sessions for local activists, community members, and immigrants and allies engaged in civil rights actions...
Presenter: Pulitzer Prize-winner Ken Doctor appeared at City Club Feb. 28 as he prepares to launch his digital newspaper, Lookout...
Presenter: Lane Transit District welcomes its new chief operating officer and its new chief financial officer. Before the LTD board...
Presenter: One of Oregon's great education success stories, Bridgeway House, didn't even start out as a school. Founder Patricia Wigney:...
from Lane County Lane Events Center is updating its master plan to help guide investment in the property over the...
by Aaron Orlowski, Eugene Water & Electric Board A wintry mix of snow and freezing rain will begin falling in...
Presenter: Public comments Feb. 11 ask that Lane County commissioners review libraries for pornography, curb 'woke' ideology, and identify gender...
Presenter: After a freeze on federal funds, the chair of a local advisory group asks Lane County to prepare for...
Presenter: Seventeen hundred county residents signed a petition against it last year. And this week, more controversy for the Lane...
by Aaron Orlowski, Eugene Water & Electric Board The sub-freezing overnight low temperatures of the past week have led to...