Election Day is quickly approaching, and the Lane County Elections office would like to encourage voters to get ready for...
Upper Willamette watershed
from Lane Transit District You are invited to join Lane Transit District, transportation and community partners, and business leaders as...
This is KEPW 97.3 FM LP, broadcasting locally here in Eugene, Oregon and simulcast online at KEPW.org. And now, the...
We're checking in about trends in the local job market. From Express Employment Professionals: Mike Murphy: It's a family-run company....
The NAACP says ‘No’ on changes to redistricting in the county charter, and ‘No’ again on immediately using that new...
The city's intergovernmental relations committee looks ahead to the 2025 session. On Oct. 2, a summary of the council's priorities....
Looking ahead to EWEB's second source from the Willamette, commissioners consider future watershed protection in the Coast Fork and Middle...
At the Churchill Area Neighbors’ citywide health care forum, a question for the executive director of Volunteers In Medicine, DeLeesa...
Two of Oregon's top legislators, Julie Fahey and Nancy Nathanson, returned to the Churchill neighborhood Sept. 26 for a citywide...
The YMCA, EWEB, and Eugene Parks officially open the city's newest emergency water station. At the ribbon-cutting Sept. 28: Jenny...
Neighborhood board members citywide will come together Oct. 14. City planners will share the latest on housing, urban growth strategies,...
Eugene's health care system has changed dramatically in recent years. Some doctors are asking: Is there another way? One physician...
High praise for the Churchill Area Neighbors after organizing a citywide health care forum, drawing 220 in person, and so...
Eugene residents hope to prevent another J H Baxter. With the city still lacking public health development standards, Bethel and...
from KEPW News and the Whiteaker Community Council DJ Suss D: In a contentious meeting on Sept. 11, Burrito Brigade...