January 14, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

LTD selects Toole Design Group for help with pilot projects, metrics

2 min read
LTD hopes to kick off its Mobility Management project in June.

LTD hopes to kick off its Mobility Management project in June.

Mobility Management.  The Strategic Business Plan. Both currently underway, these will drive LTD’s long-range plans.

Andrew Martin: [00:00:08] Mobility management is an approach to designing and delivering transportation services that starts and ends with the customer. It begins with a community vision in which the entire transportation network— with customers, planners, and stakeholders—works together to best meet the community’s needs.

Mobility management is really a move to I think like offering more services and to helping the customer really get the best ride.

We have our one-call Ride Source call center. We work with Florence and Oakridge on their services. Sometimes that’s being involved in things like our Mobility on Demand. We’ve been piloting that. Sometimes it’s partnering with Bike Share.  We may work with South Lane Wheels on different projects down in Cottage Grove.  Some places have scooters, some places have moped rentals.  We have, for a long time at LTD, used taxis to provide certain types of rides for certain people when that was appropriate. And Uber and Lyft. It’s just an example of new partners being in town.  

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We’re going to match people with the best ride for them.

John Q: [00:01:09] This week the Contract Committee considers Toole Design Group of Portland.  They would produce the district’s Mobility Management Framework.

Andrew Martin: [00:01:17] We want to start out just understanding kind of the landscape, what’s out there. Take a look at how we can do pilot projects and engage in different types of partnerships and what that might mean, so that we can do that really successfully. And then develop a framework that can really help us to assess how all of these modes fit into our services that we provide to the community.

John Q [00:01:41] LTD requested Best Practices, evaluation metrics, a list of potential pilot projects, and—eighteen months from now—a final report.

Andrew Martin: [00:01:53] We have developed an RFP (Request for Proposal). We put that out on the street earlier this year, we got some great proposals and I can say that we have selected someone really excited about working with them because there’s a lot of great proposals. So we had really good options to choose from. But we selected someone we’re going to be going to the contract committee  to basically get this in front of the contract committee and then in front of the board later this month, which would let us sign a contract. So we’ll be hopefully beginning work with the board’s permission in June.

We’re looking at really developing a framework that’s future-proof, ’cause we don’t want to just respond to what’s out there today. We want to know what we should be doing when something else comes out in the future.

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News