October 23, 2024

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Local foster-based rescue supports homeless dogs

5 min read
Whitney of Unbreakabull Rescue Allies tells KEPW's Julie Lambert how you can help an often-overlooked homeless population: dogs.

Whitney of Unbreakabull Rescue Allies tells KEPW's Julie Lambert how you can help an often-overlooked homeless population: dogs.

Julie Lambert: Hello, Eugene. For this news segment, we will delve into the plight of the often overlooked homeless population: Dogs. There are many reasons why a dog can become homeless, ranging from a death in the family or the family moving away, or a dog that a family is simply no longer able to care for due to special circumstances.

[00:00:28] In addition, with all of the natural disasters that have been happening coast to coast, dogs get separated from their owners and can sometimes never be reunited. Our recent wildfires can cause all animals to bolt, including dogs. Here’s one of their stories in his own words.

[00:01:46] However, some dogs may be singing, “Held at PetSmart,” as evidenced by the puppies barking in the back.

[00:01:56] Whitney: My name is Whitney and I’m co-director of Unbreakabull Rescue Allies in Eugene. We’re foster based rescue spread out as far up as well, Vancouver, all the way down to Cottage Grove or Creswell, one of those two. We always need foster homes and donations of blankets, towels, dog food, leashes, collars. It’s really anything usable we will use. And if we can’t use, then we’ll pass on to somebody else that could use it, whether it be another rescue or member of our community.

[00:02:33] Julie Lambert: When you say foster, what does that mean? Exactly? How is that different from adoption?

[00:02:38] Whitney: The fostering is just providing a temporary home for the dog while they get all their vetting done and then they’re placed up for adoption. The bonus about fostering is fosters get first dibs on the dog. It gives them the opportunity to try out a dog in their house without committing to keeping the dog for longterm.

[00:03:01] Give the option of that in the long run, but it’s basically just providing a safe place for the dog to stay. We provide all the food, any supplies you might need such as a crate, bedding, collar, leash, bowls, food, potty pads, dewormer, vaccine, flea treatment, literally any supplies you would need to care for them, we provide that you just provide the safe place while they’re on the interim between being rescued and going to their forever home.

[00:03:35] Julie Lambert: What are some of the reasons why these dogs became unhoused? And does it have anything to do with the pandemic at all?

[00:03:44] Whitney: Oh, my, most definitely. The pandemic has kind of been a double edged sword. It has both increased the pet ownership population and it’s also increased the pet dumping population.

[00:03:59] So we’re seeing now a lot of dogs that were adopted at the beginning of the pandemic being dumped or rehomed, or ending up at shelters because people are going back to work and they think they can’t keep their dog, or, you know, a variety of reasons. Most of our dogs are picked up as strays have not, and have served their stray hold and not been reclaimed and then rescued from the shelter.

[00:04:24] So what we do is a variety. We do local owner surrenders. We take dogs from out of state. We take dogs from in this state. It all just depends on the need at the time and the day.

[00:04:37] Julie Lambert: What about special needs or senior dog? Puppies?

[00:04:42] Whitney: Yeah, we do those as well. We have a couple of fosters that are particular. Like they like the older senior dogs. And so when spots open at their house and we’ll pull another senior dog. Okay. Same with puppies. We have some foster homes that are just for puppies. And so when they open up, then they get filled up with puppies and the cycle. It’s like a washing machine. You put the load in, they serve their quarantine time. They get their vetting done. They go up for adoption, they get adopted and then a new load gets put in and then. Cycle starts over.

[00:05:22] Julie Lambert: Okay. What’s the vetting process. Like if you want to foster or adopt what’s, what’s absolutely required that people should know ahead of time.

[00:05:33] Whitney: The main requirement for fostering is it depends on your living situation. If you’re renting, you have to have landlord approval. Obviously, if you are a homeowner, you know, Discretion, depending on the neighborhood that you’re in, we try our best to follow, we do. We follow HOA rules and landlord’s requirements, but nothing really special is required. Just the safe space and the willingness to keep communication open with us and help as much as you can.

[00:06:09] Some people don’t like don’t drive. So we’ll go and get their dogs and take them to their spay and neuter appointments. Some people do drive. So really it’s just wherever you can help out. You know, we always appreciate the help, even if it’s just fostering, just having a safe space for that dog to stay while we get them ready for their forever home.

[00:06:29] Julie Lambert: And if our listeners want to get more information, where can you direct them to?

[00:06:35] Whitney: We have a website, www.unbreakabullrescueallies.com. And we also have a Facebook page, Unbreakabull rescue allies. Those are the two places online. And then you could always come to an adoption event where we try and be at the Willamette street PetSmart about every other Saturday, usually from one to four.

[00:06:58] And there’s at least one of us directors here almost every time. Stop by and meet us and meet some of the dogs and ask any questions and we can direct you from there.

[00:07:11] Julie Lambert: Can you tell me why “Unbreakabull” is spelled the way it is? And can you spell it? Hold on. (Dogs barking) Whitney, can you tell me how “Unbreakabull” is spelled and why is it spelled that way?

[00:07:33] Whitney: So “unbreakabull” is U N B R E A K A B U L L. So unbreak a bull. And we did that because first off, we both, both my partner and I have kind of an affinity for pit bulls and the bully breed, and we felt like they’re misunderstood and we liked to help them the most.

[00:07:57] And then together, you know, a bull is strong and determined and a powerful force to be reckoned with. And we believe that when we’re together, all of us humans that we create a bull-like energy, that we’re powerful and we’re a force to be reckoned with. So together we are unstoppable and unbreakable.

[00:08:26] Julie Lambert: Thanks to this organization and others in the Lane County area. We can end on a happy note for some local dogs. Sing along, if you know the words.

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News