January 25, 2025

Whole Community News

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Top stories of 2021: BEST gets more active in active transportation

2 min read
With the U.S. looking to retool its transportation system, Eugene education, industrial, government, and nonprofit sectors are positioned to carry that work forward.

With the U.S. looking to retool its transportation system, Eugene education, industrial, government, and nonprofit sectors are positioned to carry that work forward.

One of the top stories of the year 2021, as told in November to the Metro by Rob Zako.

[00:00:06] Rob Zako: Yes, this is Rob Zako, Executive Director of Better Eugene Springfield Transportation, and I just want to share some news that you may have heard that is bittersweet. The Center for Appropriate Transport, or CAT, after 29 years has shut down operations as a nonprofit promoting bicycle education, service, advocacy, and innovation. But through a arrangement with multiple parties, BEST is going to be taking over the building that they have at 455 West First Avenue and actually taking over CAT’s assets of a community bicycle repair shop. We’re going to be leasing the space out to various non-profits. Our first new tenant is going to be Cascadia Mobility, which is the operator for PeaceHealth Rides Bike Share.

[0:00:46] And that’s just a start. We have big plans to create a community space here, two blocks from REI and the Whiteaker, to promote all things Sustainable Transportation. We’re calling it The NEST— Nexus for Eugene Sustainable Transportation, and we’re working with lots of partners. And you’ll be hearing more about this. So we’re really excited. I just want to share that exciting news with you. Thank you very much.

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[00:01:07] Eugene Mayor Lucy Vinis: Yeah, thank you. I just want to express my excitement and support about what Rob has just reported about NEST. I think it’s a really terrific addition to our efforts to promote bike and alternative transportation.

[00:01:22] It’s a great location, it’s a great use of that building and wonderful piece of collaboration and partnerships. So really, really excited to hear that news update and and happy to see them established and doing the work they do. Thanks.

[00:01:34] John Q: The BEST NEST is part of the larger saga of transportation, amid a wave of federal funding, as Rep. Peter DeFazio steps aside and the work is carried forward by universities, agencies, industries, and non-profits like BEST.

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