February 9, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Eugene Chamber offers 2022 Local Election Guide

2 min read

by Brittany Quick-Warner
President & CEO, Eugene Chamber of Commerce

Elections play a critical function in any healthy economy. The right candidate works with others to set the pace for community building, effective policy, and a business-friendly environment.

Leading up to the May 17th, 2022 election, our community will have several difficult choices as we cast our ballots regarding the selection of the most ideal candidate to meet these needs.

We at the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce believe we have a duty to support local business leaders in making informed choices about who will represent them and their businesses in local government. We have pressing issues here impacting businesses today: homelessness and public safety, housing, government regulations and taxation, economic development, climate policy changes, and more.

To help you do that, we spent time getting to know the candidates and have created this 2022 Local Election Guide to help you make decisions.

Candidates in non-partisan, contested races were asked about their position on issues like homelessness, public safety, housing, regulation, taxation, economic development, climate change and more. We then rated candidates based on their alignment with key issues and priorities raised by our members.

In this guide you will find:

  • Eugene City Council Candidates- Written Questionnaire Answers & Issue-by-Issue Interview Scores
  • Lane County Commission Candidates- Written Questionnaire Answers & Issue-by-Issue Interview Scores
  • Appendix- Questions asked during the interviews

We hope this election guide before you provides you, our business community and community partners, the information you need to make a decision you can feel good about come election day.

We want to express deep gratitude to all the candidates who responded to our call for engagement. We know what a toll campaigning can take, and we are grateful for your service to our community, running at all. With so many seats running unopposed this election, it is not lost on us the weight we all know you carry as our elected officials. We are grateful for you.

Lastly, let this be a call to action for you, our business community. While this guide represents a great starting point of information, we highly encourage you to attend one of our candidate engagement forums, or connect with each candidate directly. Democracy in action looks like community members actively participating in these processes to support the topics they care about most.

So get out there, and make democracy work for you!

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News