March 8, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Jenah’Eve Hartman: This is Jenah for KEPW 97.3 FM Eugene’s Peace Works Radio.

[00:00:05] There’s something magical and alluring about boats. Whatever type of boat you’re in. be sure to plan ahead, pay attention, and share the water so everyone can have a fun time.

[00:00:15] The Oregon State Marine Board invites boaters to explore the Boat Oregon Online Map, where you can find a boat ramp near you.

[00:00:23] Take a few minutes to plan ahead and check out the Marine Board’s Interactive Boating Access map, with all of the public boat ramps and local rules.

[00:00:32] Check the weather forecast, water levels, or tides. See if there are any reported obstructions, and have the right gear for the activities you’re doing.

[00:00:41] High water levels in some areas this spring cover many wing dams (also known as pile dikes) on rivers and bays and are just below the surface. Keep your distance from the shoreline up to several hundred feet out so you don’t hit one of the pile dikes.

[00:00:57] Boaters are encouraged to learn where wing dams are located from NOAA charts. The navigation charts can be downloaded for free. Play it safe by:

  • Being boat sober.
  • If you’re feeling tired, take a break.
  • Wear properly fitting life jackets.
  • Never boat alone.
  • Be courteous to other boaters and share the waterway.

[00:01:20] In Oregon, all boaters must take, a boating safety course and carry a boating safety education card when operating a power boat graded at 10 horsepower.

[00:01:30] For more information, visit

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News