January 20, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Wetlands citizen scientists needed throughout the year

1 min read

by the FAN Equity Action Team

Volunteers are needed throughout the next year at the Kalapuya Wetlands Project at Westmoreland Park to remove non-native plants and help native plants grow and flourish.

The native plants are featured in the mural, “Willamette Wetlands of the Kalapuya Tribes,” on the east side of the Dr. Edwin Coleman Jr. Center.

Wetlands to the east and west of the Coleman Center have protected status due to their significant populations of several native plants.

Native wetland plants are also displayed on the kiosk by the west wetland (where the disc golf course begins).

Please take some time to check out these wonderful new additions to Westmoreland Park.

From Sept. 2021 through June 2022, volunteer work parties were coordinated by Eugene Parks & Open Space Ecologist Diane Steeck. Eight citizen scientists were trained by Diane to monitor plots that had been covered by ground cloth for several months.

The monitoring data from these plots showed positive results with an increase in the number of native plants in some plots. These enhancement techniques will be replicated in more areas this coming year.

If you would be interested in volunteering at work parties, or perhaps becoming a citizen scientist, please contact FAN Equity Action Team at friendlyareaneighbors@gmail.com.

For more information about the latest volunteer opportunities, see the Friendly Area Neighbors newsletter.

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News