January 25, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Help improve your neighborhood association; here are the survey questions

6 min read
What is important to you about your neighborhood? What do you like, value, and appreciate, and what needs improvement or change? Fill out a survey and get credit for your time in the time bank.

From the City of Eugene Office of Equity and Community Engagement

OECE is reviewing policies and services associated with neighborhood associations. This review includes two active processes:

  • A neighborhood survey in English and Spanish “to collect information from existing neighborhood association boards and the community, including those who are underrepresented in neighborhood associations, to assess motivations and barriers for engagement through neighborhood associations.”

Here are the questions in the neighborhood survey:

Eugene Neighborhoods Survey – 2022

I. Neighborhood issues and activities
This first part of the survey contains questions about the area where you live – your neighborhood. We want to know what is important to you about your neighborhood—what you like, value and appreciate—and what you believe might need improvement or change.

This survey is part of a broader project to engage the community and update our Neighborhood Associations Program to increase engagement around neighborhood issues. You can learn more about this initiative at the project website on Engage Eugene.

  1. Please list the top three things you like, value, or appreciate about your neighborhood.
  2. Please list the top three things you think need to change or improve in your neighborhood.
  3. To better understand your involvement with your community, we’d like to know what kinds of organizations you volunteer for: [Choices: Local nonprofits; Faith-based organization (church, mosque, religious group, etc.); Government agency; Environmental group; Social club; School; Sport organization; Other (please specify), None of the above]
  4. From the list below, which issues and needs do you believe matter most in your neighborhood right now? (Select up to 5 items) [Choices: Infill, development or redevelopment in my neighborhood; Disaster preparedness; Public safety and crime; Issues of homelessness; Traffic; Streets and roads; Routes for biking and walking; Parks and open space; LTD service; Need for more housing; Conservation; Need for jobs and employment; Natural resources; Parking; Renters’ issues; Local schools; Problems with hate and bias; Sustainability; Other (please specify)]

II. Engagement With Your Neighborhood Association
Most areas in Eugene are served by a neighborhood association. Eugene’s neighborhood associations are officially recognized by the City of Eugene, hold elections, host events, organize projects, work with community partners, and advocate for the needs of their neighborhoods. This part of the survey contains questions about how you are or would like to be engaged with your neighborhood association.

  1. Which one neighborhood association would you like to comment on? (Select neighborhood association)
  2. Please tell us about your relationship to the neighborhood association you selected in question 5 above. You may take this survey again if you are associated with other neighborhood associations. [Choices: I own the home I live in in this neighborhood; I rent the home I live in in this neighborhood; I am unhoused and I am sheltering in this neighborhood; I own a business in this neighborhood; I own property in this neighborhood (rental, vacant, etc.); I work for a business located in this neighborhood; I work for a nonprofit located in this neighborhood; Other (please specify)]
  3. Please select your level of involvement with your neighborhood association. Select all that apply. [Choices: I receive printed publications sent by the neighborhood association; I attend neighborhood association meetings; I follow my neighborhood association publications on social media; I am a current board member; I serve on a committee of the neighborhood association; I am a former board member; I attend neighborhood association events; I receive e-mails or newsletters from my neighborhood association; Other form of involvement (please specify); None of the above (I have no involvement with my neighborhood association)]

III. Your Neighborhood Association Volunteers
In the following questions (8 through 15), you will be asked to evaluate the work of your neighborhood association volunteers. Please add comments and suggestions using the comment box.

  1. How satisfied are you with how your neighborhood association has communicated with you about relevant issues and events in the past year? [Choices: Very satisfied; Satisfied; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Very dissatisfied; I do not receive information from my neighborhood association and cannot evaluate them]
  2. Do you have comments regarding your neighborhood association communications?
  3. We want neighborhood association meetings to be well-run, interesting, and productive. How satisfied are you with the neighborhood association meetings you attended in the past year?[Choices: Very satisfied; Satisfied; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Very dissatisfied; I have not attended meetings of my neighborhood association and cannot evaluate them]
  4. Do you have comments regarding your neighborhood association meetings?
  5. We want neighborhood association events to be fun, meaningful and accessible. How satisfied are you with the events organized by your neighborhood association in the past year? [Choices: Very satisfied; Satisfied; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Very dissatisfied; I have not attended events organized by my neighborhood association and can’t evaluate them]
  6. Do you have comments regarding your neighborhood association events?
  7. How satisfied are you with how your neighborhood association advocated for the interests and needs of your neighborhood in the past year? [Choices: Very satisfied; Satisfied; Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; Dissatisfied; Very dissatisfied]
  8. Do you have comments regarding your neighborhood association advocacy work?
  9. What kinds of issues would a neighborhood association need to address for you to be interested? (Select up to 5 items) [Choices: Conservation; Issues of homelessness; Routes for biking and walking; Parking; Need for more housing; Disaster preparedness; LTD service; Parks and open space; Public safety and crime; Streets and roads; Need for jobs and employment; Traffic; Renters’ issues; Local schools; Infill, development or redevelopment in my neighborhood; Problems with hate and bias; Natural resources; Sustainability; Other (please specify)]
  10. From the list below, please select the types of neighborhood events you would most likely attend (Select all that apply). [Choices: Food drives; Neighborhood picnics; Tree plantings; Resource fairs; Graffiti cleanup; Park cleanup; Disaster preparedness events/workshop; Recycling events; Movies in the park; Public art projects; Other (please specify)]
  11. How would you like to be involved with your neighborhood association?
    [Choices: Attend neighborhood association meetings; Attend neighborhood association events; Serve on the board; Serve on a committee; Volunteer for neighborhood events or projects; Contribute to the neighborhood newsletter; Other (please specify); None of the above]
  12. What prevents you from engaging with your neighborhood association? Select all that apply [Choices: I am not aware of my neighborhood association meetings or events; Meetings and events happen at a time I cannot attend; I do not have childcare during the time my neighborhood association meets; I am too busy to attend my neighborhood association meetings; I don’t know anybody who goes to my neighborhood association meetings; I do not believe my neighborhood association is welcoming to people like me; I am not interested in the issues discussed in my neighborhood association meetings; I do not believe my participation in my neighborhood association will affect the group’s actions; The city doesn’t care about the feedback of neighborhood associations; I am concerned about exposure to COVID; Other (please specify)]
  13. How would you prefer to attend your neighborhood association meetings? [Choices: In person; Online, via Zoom; Hybrid, I’d like to have the option to attend in person or online; None of the above]
  14. Are there guest speakers, topics or organizations that you would like to be featured at neighborhood meetings?
  15. Do you have additional suggestions or questions to your neighborhood association?
  16. If you would like to start receiving communications from your neighborhood association, please enter your e-mail below. Your e-mail will not be used for other purposes and it will not be shared along with your answers to this survey. We will ensure that your survey answers remain anonymous.

IV. Demographics
We want to learn a little bit about who you are so we can make sure neighborhood association efforts are in your interests. Please answers these questions according to how you self-identify.

  1. Please tell us your age group. [Choices: Under 12 years old; 12-17 years old; 18-24 years old; 25-34 years old; 35-44 years old; 45-54 years old; 55-64 years old; 65-74 years old; 75 years or older; I decline to answer this question]
  2. Please tell us about your racial/ethnic identity. Select all that apply. [Choices: Asian; Black, African, or African American; Hawaiian or Pacific islander; Hispanic, Latino/a/x, or Caribbean; Middle-Easterner or Arab; Multiracial or Mixed; Native American or Indigenous; White or Caucasian; Decline to answer; Another (please specify)]
  3. Please tell us about your sex/gender/gender identity. Select all that apply. [Choices: Male; Female; Transgender; Another gender identity; Heterosexual; Gay; Lesbian; Bisexual; Another sexual orientation; I decline to answer this question]

Here is Draft 2 of the Neighborhood Organization Recognition Policy:

Whole Community News

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