February 16, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Wolf depredation confirmed in McKay Canyon area

2 min read
ODFW has updated its livestock depredation report with the 55th investigation since July 1, 2022.

from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

On Nov. 11, 2022, the carcass of an approximately 1,500-pound yearling bull was found in a 1,100-acre private land pasture. It was estimated that the bull died less than 24 hours before the investigation.

There were more than 60 pre-mortem bite scrapes measuring up to 4 1/2 inches long and one-fourth inch wide at the right front elbow, both hindquarters above the hock, and near the anus. Pre-mortem hemorrhage was up to two inches deep. The severity, size, and locations of these wounds are consistent with cattle attacked by wolves. This depredation is attributed to wolves of the Ukiah Pack.

This report lists 55 livestock depredation investigations completed by the Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife from July 1, 2022 to Nov. 11, 2022.

Wolf Management

Livestock depredation investigations are done at the request of the owner of injured or dead
livestock when they suspect wolf depredation. The goal of these investigations is to determine if the
livestock was injured or killed by a wolf or wolves. The goal is not to determine the cause of death, as in
some cases that could require a veterinary pathologist (e.g., illness, injury, age, poisonous plants).

In some counties in Oregon, USDA Wildlife Services assists ODFW when wolves are suspected and is the
lead agency to investigate when other predators such as coyotes, bear, or cougar are suspected. In some
counties, Sheriff’s office deputies also attend investigations. ODFW needs to make the determination for
lethal removal of chronically depredating wolves to be considered or if the livestock producer wants
financial compensation from the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

ODFW provides information about methods to minimize conflict, investigation determination criteria and previous investigations, and frequently asked questions about wolves.

The Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan and associated technical rules guide all ODFW wolf related activities. ODFW manages wolves in three wolf management zones (West Zone / Federally ListedEast Zone / Federally ListedEast Zone / Federally Delisted). Wolves throughout Oregon were delisted from the state Endangered Species List on November 10, 2015. Wolves are still protected statewide by the Wolf Plan and Oregon statute. Wolves west of Highways 395/78/95 were removed from the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) on January 4, 2021, then relisted on February 10, 2022.

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