February 22, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Sign up for alerts, even if you signed up before

1 min read

from Lane County

Are you signed up to receive emergency alerts? 

Public safety partners in Lane County are updating their emergency alerting service. Everyone in Lane County is encouraged to sign up – even if you had previously registered for AlertMe (the old system).

Go to www.LaneAlerts.org to create a free Lane Alerts account and select where and how you would like to receive emergency alerts. 

Lane Alerts allows people to opt-in to receive notifications via phone call, text message, and email based on locations they care about. You can choose to receive notifications about emergency events that may affect your home, workplace, child’s school, etc. 

The types of emergencies that people may receive alerts about include evacuations, severe weather, flooding, police activity, and more. 

 Learn more at www.LaneAlerts.org. Stay safe and informed!

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News