February 16, 2025

Whole Community News

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Four seats on LCC board up for election; filing opens Feb. 8

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The voter registration deadline for the May 20 election is April 29.
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from Lane Community College

Four seats on the Lane Community College Board of Education will be up for election in the May 20 special election:

  • Zone 1: Representing western Lane County, currently held by Denise Diamond
  • Zone 3: Representing Springfield, currently held by Julie Weismann
  • Zone 4: Representing eastern Lane County, currently held by Austin Fölnagy
  • At-Large, Position 7: Currently vacant.

Candidates can file between Feb. 8 and March 20 for the May 20 election. The winners will serve four-year terms beginning July 1, 2025.

The voter registration deadline is April 29.

The Lane Community College District serves a 5,000 square-mile area stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains. The district includes most of Lane County, as well as the Monroe School District in Benton County, the Harrisburg Union High School District in Linn County, and a small area in northern Douglas County. The total district population includes about 390,000 people.

Seven elected, non-paid persons comprise the LCC Board of Education and have primary authority for establishing policies governing the operation of the college and adopting the college’s annual budget. Their charge is to oversee the development of programs and services which they believe will best serve the needs of the people of the LCC District.

Five directors represent one of five district zones; two are elected at-large. Additionally, Lane’s student body president serves as an ex-officio (non-voting) member at regular meetings.

District information and zone maps are available on the Board’s eGovernance website.

2025 Special Election Timeline

  • Feb. 8: First business day to file candidacy forms
  • March 20: Filing deadline for candidates
  • April 5: Out-of-country and military ballots mailed
  • April 29: Voter registration deadline
  • May 1: Local and out-of-state ballots mailed
  • May 1: Official ballot drop boxes open
  • May 20: Election Day.

Additional information about the special election is available on the Lane County Elections website.

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News