March 16, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

County asked to review libraries for porn, curb ‘woke’ ideology, identify gender as either male or female

7 min read
Public comments ask that Lane County commissioners review public libraries for pornography, curb 'woke' ideology, and identify gender as either male or female.

Presenter: Public comments Feb. 11 ask that Lane County commissioners review libraries for pornography, curb ‘woke’ ideology, and identify gender as either male or female. Austin Hodges:

Austin Hodges: My name is Austin Hodges. So I just want to start by saying that in Matthew 18:6 of the Bible, the Lord says, ‘Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fast around his neck and to be drowned in the deepest depths of the ocean.’

[00:00:28] We had the priv—we didn’t have the privilege. We had a disservice at the YMCA where we went to look for a family membership and we were very distraught with what we were told with how transgendered men were allowed in the women’s bathroom / locker room to watch my kid undress or my wife.

[00:00:50] So we respectfully declined that gym membership and you people on the board have a power to get that out of our schools, get that out of these public services to where we bring it back to biblical aspects of our government, as there’s only two genders, male and female.

[00:01:06] It’s always been like that since the beginning of time. And you want to sit here and talk about how the LGBTQ community might be oppressed or whatever it may be. But where does our right stop to make them feel more comfortable? It’s not okay for me to have the thought that some guy that thinks he’s a woman because he’s mentally unstable has the right to watch my daughter undress.

[00:01:30] I don’t know how many of you that makes uncomfortable, but you, I can see that you have a wedding ring on your finger, sir. And, you know, I don’t think you being a man, you would let some grown man watch your wife go to the bathroom. And I pray to God that you would not let that happen. I pray to God you would protect your wife, to no matter what cost it takes for her to feel safe and secure.

[00:01:50] You guys are knocking down these walls for our kids and for people to feel safe. Did you know that the LGBTQ community in itself is 4 to 1 in sexual violent acts against children. 4 to 1. I want you to think about that. That percentage rate is 287% from 2016 to 2024.

[00:02:13] The fact that we are allowing this dogma and this negative agenda continue is not only unbiblical and unethical and unmoral, but it is disgusting.

[00:02:26] I want you guys to truly think about your kids if you have kids or your loved ones. Things don’t tend to hit people seriously until it happens to somebody you love. And I want you guys to really think and really ask yourself, what would you do in this situation if your daughter or your wife was sexually assaulted because we allow this agenda and this negative dogma to continue, that men can be women and that men can be in their sports, they can be in their locker rooms.

[00:02:55] I really ask you guys to really discern against getting that out of our streets and out of our system for our kids and our women’s safety. Thank you.

[00:03:04] Juanita Carriveau: I’m Juanita Carriveau, and I just wanted to speak very briefly on a review we did at the Springfield Public Library and the Eugene Public Library. We reviewed the list of books that they have in-house, and between the two libraries, they have 872 pornographic books.

[00:03:26] Pornographic. I’m not talking about medical health books. These are pornographic books that children are being allowed to see. Having been in the medical field all of my life, I can tell you it’s known in the medical arena that a child doesn’t really reach emotional maturity until they’re almost 25 years old.

[00:03:53] So I think it’s something that Lane County needs to think about. We as citizens need to think about in Oregon whether or not it’s proper to be exposing children, young teens, to content when their minds, their brains, are not even fully developed enough to be incorporating whether this content is good or bad, helpful or harmful.

[00:04:22] That’s all I have to say. Thank you.

[00:04:24] Amanda Nobel Flannery: My name is Amanda Nobel Flannery. My pronouns are she / her.

[00:04:28] As I’ve shared in my previous public comments, I’m here advocating for immigrant and trans protections in light of the recent abhorrent federal executive orders. Since I have spoken week after week, I’ll keep it short today.

[00:04:41] First, I want to share some good news. Attorney General Dan Rayfield announced that he’s suing the federal government, along with attorney generals from Minnesota and Washington, over a recent executive order that targets gender-affirming health care for trans youth. The lawsuit calls this order ‘cruel and baseless, and an official statement of bigotry.’

[00:05:04] If successful, this lawsuit could pause or even overturn the order. And in the meantime, it sends a clear message to trans and gender-diverse youth, their families and doctors providing care, that Oregon sees you and we’re standing up for you. In this regard, it’s a good day to be an Oregonian.

[00:05:22] Lastly, and as you know, supporting immigrant, trans, and gender-diverse rights strengthens our commitment to dignity, respect, and equity for everyone in Lane County.

[00:05:31] We are asking for a joint sanctuary press release with sheriff, district attorney, and Community Justice and Rehabilitation Services Department. Your leadership and equity reminds us all that justice begins at home. Thank you.

[00:05:44] Joe Tyndall: Joe Tyndall. Woke activists grifting money for an anti-white monument started me talking at these meetings.

[00:05:51] This board needs to (1) clean the voter rolls, (2) end woke, antimeritocratic employment practices, including lower standards for DEI candidates, and (3) ensure Lane County does not obstruct deportation of criminal migrants. If you fail to do this, federal funds may be sequestered. Officials who ignore laws may be indicted.

[00:06:12] After stolen elections, censorship, government-paid fake news attacks, assassination attempts, bogus charges dragging him through the courts, and raiding his home with shoot-to-kill orders, Trump is playing hardball. He has vowed to maintain the current pace of reform for all 1,461 days.

[00:06:31] The word religion in the First Amendment extends beyond churches to manufactured doctrines like wokeism. History demonstrates that religions are businesses that (1) make money, (2) deny reality, and (3) train their tribe to punish people who challenge their dogmas. Substituting a synonym, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of indoctrination.

[00:06:56] By auditing the Treasury, Elon and the DOGE team have proven that wokeness was financed using tax dollars. This money-laundering misappropriation is ending. Federal workers who violated their oath to the Constitution are being removed.

[00:07:11] Woke ideologues deserve zero support, especially when their leaders call for violence as many are now doing. Cancel culture in Lane County is extreme. This commission demonstrated its disdain for free speech by failing to address the community television takeover by woke activists who removed locally-created programs they disliked from the public access channel.

[00:07:35] Antifa thuggery still strives. After four years staying quiet for Biden, the rent-a-riot woke violence is again ramping up. Do not forget the bombs planted around the Eugene police station or masked antifa terrorist gangs jumping U of O students for saying the wrong thing in class, or Charlie Landeros, or how the 2020 ‘Summer of Love’ rampage of destruction, looting, and death went largely unpunished.

[00:08:04] Our new attorney general will prosecute antifa crimes. Will this county do the same? Because the indoctrination of Commissioners Buch and Trieger has cratered their ability to separate woke, virtue-signaling, false narratives from reality, both should resign.

[00:08:23] Presenter: David Igl also spoke, asking commissioners to restore the good name of University classics professor Frederic Dunn, saying he was unjustly defamed. After the public comment, Commissioner Pat Farr.

[00:08:36] Commissioner Pat Farr: To Mr. Hodges, yeah, I do have a wedding ring. Fifty years this year. We have three sons, four grandchildren. I pray daily. One of our sons lives in San Francisco. He is trans and living the best life he’s ever lived. 

[00:08:50] Presenter: Commissioner Laurie Trieger:

[00:08:52] Commissioner Laurie Trieger: Mr. Hodges, is it? Sir, I think if you’re concerned about trans women in women’s restrooms and changing rooms, but you believe trans women are men, it’s actually men and the threat they pose to women’s safety that you’re concerned about. And I share that concern. It is a legitimate and well-proven concern that men are actually the greatest threat to women’s safety. Not trans women, not trans people of any kind, and not other women, but men.

[00:09:22] Presenter: Public comments at the Lane County Board of Commissioners Feb. 11 include a call for Commissioners Buch and Trieger to resign.

Advocates for LGBTQ youth report that they are four times more likely to be the victims of child sexual abuse than their straight peers.

This story produced by John Q for Whole Community News, your inclusive grassroots source for the latest on local boards and commissions, neighborhoods and nonprofits, preparedness and public comment. No voice goes unheard.

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