City of Eugene Survey of COVID-19 Household Impacts Released
1 min read
From Eugene City outreach to neighborhoods:
The City of Eugene is conducting a survey regarding COVID-19 impacts in our community, and we would like to encourage anyone to take the COVID-19 Household Survey so we can better understand the impacts the pandemic has had and continues to have on the Eugene community.
The survey is now open for anyone to respond through Engage Eugene the City’s online engagement platform (registration required). The Spanish language version of the survey has been active since mid-December. Both the English and Spanish surveys will be open through January 31.
Data from the survey will help inform City efforts to support recovery from the pandemic. Additionally, the survey also serves as an outreach tool to promote recovery-related programs and resources that are available to the community through our organization and our partners.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Information will remain confidential, and results from the survey will only be shared as a group (no individual’s answers will be made available). Once the data analysis is complete, we will be sharing the results.