Public Advisory – Fake Opioid (More Deadly Fentanyl)
1 min readPosted on: May 16, 2021
Bright blue pill marked ‘M’, ’30’ can be deadly
The Eugene Police Department has seen a significant increase in overdose deaths attributed to Fentanyl. Most commonly, these deaths have been linked to fake prescription drugs that are actually Fentanyl. Fentanyl is around 100 times stronger than Morphine and around 50 times stronger than Heroin. Very small amounts of this drug can kill.
The fake prescription drugs are usually not white in appearance whereas the actual prescriptions are white (although occasionally a very light blue). We are commonly seeing bright blue in Eugene, as seen in the attached photo. The “M” on one side and the “30” on the other are stamped to make the pill appear to be Oxycodone Hydrochloride, which is prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. These are fake and actually contain Fentanyl.
Fake prescription medications can be identified by the color and by looking at the stamping on the pill. The fake pills do not have the same manufacturing standards and the imprinting on the pill is usually not well defined or professional in appearance.
From: retrieved May 16, 2021.