Historic Review Board praises Patterson Alley resident, restoration project
5 min read
The Historic Review Board praised a window restoration project on Patterson Alley.
The Historic Review Board approved a grant, and praised a Patterson Alley resident.
[00:00:08] Rodney Bohner: So our grant application is for one building, but this property contains four resources that were listed as a city landmark in 2018, I believe. This property is on Patterson Alley between 12th and 13th, four houses that are tucked in on the alley. The oldest house is probably late 1800s Italianate that was moved. It used to front Ferry Street and was moved to the alley. And then these other later cottages, we believe were moved to the site, not constructed there, but all are over 50 years of age and designated city landmarks at this point. The grant is just for work on one of the more recent additions, a World War II-era minimal tract house. They’re looking to repair the windows.
As you might know, just a reminder, that grant is a 50-50 match. So we will match up to 50% of the project costs. The more recent estimate provided by the applicant which was created by Willamette Window Restoration LLC, out of Springfield.
We’re really happy to see that they are, the owner is, looking at repair over versus a vinyl replacement or wood replacement window. So we, this is the type of project I had in mind when this grant program was created. Although it is in an alley, I think it’s a pretty well-traveled travel area. And I think we’ll have an, it’s integral to ensure the longevity of these windows. And as we’re generally prioritizing windows as a character defining feature of these historic buildings. So I think the need is important and I’m definitely happy to see the local window company working on these so that I think it’s a good project. And that finishes my staff report. So then we’ll now we’ll open it up to the grant applicant, who is here. If she wants to say a few words, I’ll bring Bronwyn in as a panelist. Good morning Bronwyn.
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[00:02:03] Bronwyn: So I’ve been working with Tom, who is the owner. We’ve been working together on some of the little projects that need to get cleaned up here. One of them, including these windows, they’re no longer functioning. They do not open or close correctly. And they’re. Some of them are ajar in the threshold, so they’re a little bit leaky. They’re letting in quite a lot of cold air. And the one window sill in the bedroom it needs a full replacement. It’s soft and it’s leaking into the wall. So obviously that is of high importance to us that we get that taken care of to mitigate any mold issues. I will also be looking into, in the new year, having the windows on 1260. 1266 I think is the big house in the front. Those all have the original, tall Italianate style windows on them. And they’re also in need of some restoration. This’ll be like a little bit of an ongoing project as we try to maintain, do a little bit of maintenance on these older houses here.
You know, Tom doesn’t rent, we don’t rent to college students. So it’s very important to him that these places are well-respected and taken care of. And so this will be an ongoing thing. You’ll probably hear from me more and I have had a couple of very good conversations with Rodney about this. And he’s been very helpful in giving me some direction as these houses are a lot older than I am, and I’ve never seen some of the things that are in them.
Thank you so much for helping me out with this, Rodney. I feel very blessed to live here and I myself just cannot fathom living in a house that doesn’t have as much character. So thank you so much for considering us.
[00:03:39] Tiffany Edwards: Good morning, you guys, I’m Tiffany Edwards and I serve on the city’s planning commission. In my day job, I am the government relations person for Lane Transit District. I just want to say Bronwyn, you are the model tenant, like good for you for helping out. I know a lot of people who are renters that would never imagine. I could never imagine them being as helpful to their landlord. So, my thanks to you for that. And I appreciate your appreciation for the historic significance of your home.
[00:04:13] David Edrington: I’m David Edrington. I’m an architect in Eugene. I’ve been practicing, I don’t know, 35 years or so, and in my practice, I do a lot of preservation work. I’d like to thank the applicant, strongly, for taking the repair and restoration option rather than that replacement. This is exactly the kind of project that I think we should be supporting. And so I’d like to thank them and I will be voting in favor.
[00:04:41] Shannon Sardell: Hi, I’m Shannon Sardell. I’ve worked in and around historic buildings for 20 plus years and my day job is actually as a historical architect. I also, I’d like to thank the applicants. I’ve worked with Willamette Windows and she’s restored all the windows in one of my homes and has done a really fantastic job. And it’s really great local business, hiring local people and trying to bring crafts back locally, I think is a really great thing and funding this sort of project with the grant, I think is, will help grow that, hopefully that ethos into other historic properties in the area. So I think this is wonderful.
[00:05:24] Rodney Bohner: So I see everyone in support. Any opposed or any other final comments? All right. Great. Glad to see that the grant application for the Link-Robertson cottages has been approved. These are a neat little collection, one of my favorite little properties in Eugene. The alley, the whole alley is pretty great actually, but, awesome. Thanks.