January 20, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Letters to the Editor: Moving Ahead story was one-sided

1 min read

I have been listening to the KEPW Newswire in podcast form for a while now. After episode #74, I will no longer be listening. This episode featured a segment, “Citizens go door-to-door…”, that did not provide context for the audio provided that would have helped the listener understand whether it was recorded at a public or semi-public meeting, like the vast majority of the KEPW Newswires content, or was it recorded specifically for this segment. This is a common enough issue with the KEPW Newswire, and one that has led me to consider no longer listening to the podcast.

However, more seriously, the “Citizens go door-to-door…” segment consisted entirely of the viewpoints of the three individuals featured. Again, this is another issue with KEPW Newswire from time to time, and one that has again led me to consider not listening to the podcast anymore. However, on top the questionable practice of featuring these viewpoints without attempting to contextualize or balance them, these people made unsupported claims of corruption and conspiracy on the part of the public servants who worked on the Moving Ahead plan. Public servants have a hard enough time in this country without people pretending to be journalists spreading lies about them. I will no longer be listening to KEPW Newswire. I respectfully ask that you no longer produce this show until you learn a little bit more about journalism, and specifically how to ethically perform journalism.

Alex Bauman, from the Eugene Community Newswire page

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News