February 22, 2025

Whole Community News

From Kalapuya lands in the Willamette watershed

Community survey continues through Sept. 5

4 min read
The city of Eugene is conducting its first comprehensive community survey in over a decade. The survey closes Sept. 5.

The 2022 community survey seeks to explore Eugene residents’ feelings, community values, and top concerns, as a way to improve city services.

While the city regularly receives public comments and input on many projects and priorities, it has been over a decade since the last comprehensive community survey. Staff will use results “to help provide a framework for strategic decisions regarding future budgeting options.”

The survey closes September 5.

Here are the questions, which staff estimates will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete:

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?

2. Which one of the following best describes your current financial situation?

3. How would you rate Eugene as a place to live, compared to 5 years ago?

4. Please rate the quality of the following, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means “Excellent” and 1 means “Poor”. How would you rate . . .

  • Overall quality of life in Eugene
  • Overall quality of life in my neighborhood
  • My neighborhood as a place I feel as though I belong
  • Eugene as a place to live
  • Eugene as a place to work
  • Eugene as a place I feel as though I belong
  • Eugene as a place where I have the opportunity to thrive
  • The overall direction that the City of Eugene is taking
  • Overall value that you receive for your City tax dollars and fees

5. What is the MOST IMPORTANT action the City of Eugene can take to improve the quality of life in the community?

6. How much confidence do you have in the Eugene City Council when it comes to handling issues in the City?

7. How much confidence do you have in the Eugene City staff when it comes to handling issues in the City?

8. How important is it to you that Eugene has the following attributes?

  • Affordable housing choices
  • Housing options near where I work
  • Quality K-12 Education
  • After-school and childcare programs
  • Sense of personal safety
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Sense of community
  • Cleanliness of public spaces
  • Events, social activities, and recreation opportunities
  • Arts and culture institutions
  • Leadership in addressing and adapting to climate change
  • Parks, public spaces and open spaces
  • Accessible and timely waste management
  • Safe and accessible biking and walking infrastructure
  • Safe and well-maintained streets
  • Reliable and frequent public transit system
  • Smooth traffic flow on major streets
  • Parking availability
  • Availability of jobs for my skillset and income needs
  • Career opportunities for the next generation
  • A healthy natural environment

9.  How do you feel that local government in Eugene has delivered on the following attributes?

  • Affordable housing choices
  • Housing options near where I work
  • Quality K-12 Education
  • After-school and childcare programs
  • Sense of personal safety
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Sense of community
  • Cleanliness of public spaces
  • Events, social activities, and recreation opportunities
  • Arts and culture institutions
  • Leadership in addressing and adapting to climate change
  • Parks, public spaces and open spaces
  • Accessible and timely waste management
  • Safe and accessible biking and walking infrastructure
  • Safe and well-maintained streets
  • Reliable and frequent public transit system
  • Smooth traffic flow on major streets
  • Parking availability
  • Availability of jobs for my skillset and income needs
  • Career opportunities for the next generation
  • A healthy natural environment

10. Regarding homelessness, all things considered, would you say that our community is headed in the right direction or are things on the wrong track?

11. What is the reason for your response to Question #10 above?

12. How does the issue of homelessness impact you? (Check all that apply.)

13. What are your top three most urgent concerns related to homelessness in Eugene? (Please limit your responses to less than 5 words per concern.)

14. Regarding housing, all things considered, would you say that our community is headed in the right direction or are things on the wrong track?

15. What is the reason for your response to Question 14 above?

16. Which of the following statements best describes how you feel your housing may change in the next 3 years? (Check all that apply.)

17. What are your top three most urgent concerns related to your housing experience in Eugene? (Please limit your responses to less than 5 words per concern.)

18. Have you or any member of your household accessed mental health services in the last 12 months in order to help deal with anxiety, stress or depression?

19. Has your financial situation gotten worse in the last 12 months?

20. (If yes) Please indicate how your financial situation has gotten worse in the last 12 months. (Check all that apply.)

21. What are your three most urgent concerns for Eugene in the next year? (Please limit your responses to less than 5 words per concern.)

22. What are your three most urgent concerns for Eugene in the next  3 to 5 years? (Please limit your responses to less than 5 words per concern.)

Thank you for your information on your concerns. The City wants to make sure we are aware of these concerns, as well as build on the things that make Eugene special.

23. In your opinion, what makes Eugene special? (Please limit your responses to less than 5 words per special attribute.)

(Demographic questions)

  • Please tell us about your sex/gender/gender identity. (Check all that apply.)
  • Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? (Check all that apply.)
  • What is your age?
  • Which of the following best describes your employment status? (Check all that apply.)
  • Would you say your total annual household income is . . .
  • Approximately, how many years have you lived in Eugene?
  • Why did you originally move to Eugene? (Check all that apply.)
  • Which best describes where you reside?
  • Do you own or rent your current residence?
  • Which Ward do you reside in?  

Please take the survey and then record the time that you just gifted to the city in your neighborhood time bank.

Whole Community News

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Whole Community News