February 9, 2025

Whole Community News

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LTD releases 2021-2022 Community Report

1 min read
LTD released facts and figures about the transit agency's operations over the last fiscal year.

by Pat Walsh, Lane Transit District

EUGENE, Ore. —(Oct. 26, 2022)— Lane Transit District has released its Community Report for 2021-2022 Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2022. The Community Report provides facts about LTD’s operations over the past fiscal year, including brief project highlights, staff information, budget funding sources, passenger boardings, and service information about RideSource.

“One way we connect our community is by providing information about the District in a format that is convenient,” said Pat Walsh, LTD’s Marketing and Communications Director. “We expect the Community Report to provide fast answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about LTD and its services.”

The Community Report is one of three documents community members can go to online to learn about LTD’s budgetcapital improvement projects, and services. All three documents can be found at LTD.org/Financials.

Lane Transit District (LTD) is a special district of the State of Oregon led by a seven-member volunteer board of directors appointed by Oregon’s governor. LTD’s budget is funded through a combination of fares, taxes paid by local employers and employees, and from state and federal sources. LTD lives its mission to connect our community by delivering more than 5 million annual passenger boardings from 30 fixed bus routes and two EmX Bus Rapid Transit lines. LTD’s paratransit service, RideSource, provides more than 250,000 trips annually for people with disabilities and Medicaid recipients. More information about LTD is at www.LTD.org.

Whole Community News

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