by Sandra Bishop When is a piece of campaign literature not campaign literature? When it’s paid for with public funds....
Year: 2024
With the legislature about to convene a short session, City Club members have questions. On Jan. 26: Sandra Bishop (City...
The KEPW reporters look at local media, starting with local television news during the ice storm, and responding to an...
At the Human Rights Commission Jan. 23, an overview of a report by Dr. David Lewis. From the Whiteaker Community...
The 4J School District has been asked to remove totem poles from school property. A letter signed by 10 tribal...
by Ted M. Coopman Politics is not so much a right-to-left spectrum as a circle or horseshoe where the extremes...
Eugene's emergency manager and a city transportation planner will present a webinar on the potential effects of an earthquake on...
In the aftermath of the ice storm, Egan Warming Center volunteers demanded answers from Lane County: Where was the county...
UO activists will seek economic sanctions against Israel. As part of a protest rally and march where Eugene police made...
by Marty Wilde As I led a shift of five other volunteers at Egan Warming Center last week, I looked...
John Q: The KEPW Reporters Roundtable discusses the multi-day ice storm. But first, here's how they prepared. With the storm...
DJ Suss D: Dec. 31, 2023 marks 30 years of struggle for the Zapatista movement. Mexico's demobilized guerrilla group prepared...
by Amber Fitch For once I wish Egan wasn’t slammed every single time the end of an activation comes, and...
The upcoming legislative session will discuss wildfire funding, including money for fire-adapted communities and neighborhood protection cooperatives. On Jan. 10:...
from Eugene Water and Electric Board, city of Eugene, Lane Transit District, and staff reports After successive ice storms Jan....