Are you a senior? Do you have a passion for working with seniors? Seniors (60 or older), professionals that work...
submitted by Carolyn Jacobs, South University Neighborhood Association Your property is being upzoned by the City of Eugene. This notice...
This message went out to neighborhood associations from the City of Eugene Human Rights & Neighborhood Involvement Office. We acknowledge...
Over the past decade, Oregon witnessed the sixth-highest number of domestic violent extremism incidents in the nation. The troubling increase...
Please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the U.S. Senate, Ibra Taher. Ibra Taher: I think...
Offering: Food, home goods, toiletries and other supplies for people who experience a disability, families who have a child with...
Jenah'Eve Hartman: Some modern governments are based on the idea, ‘Do no further harm.’ The United States is not one...
Leading up to the HB 2001 public hearing, Jefferson Westside Neighbors compared the Planning Commission's proposal with a minimalist approach....
Jenah'Eve Hartman: Hi, this is Jenah and I'm here today to think globally and act locally. Civilians are being killed...
How can we support political prisoners throughout and after incarceration? The Civil Liberties Defense Center asked several political prisoners to...
Jefferson Westside Neighbors (JWN) invite you to a Zoom forum, The City of Eugene’s Implementation of HB 2001, Mon. Mar....
Neighborhood opponents of Transit Tomorrow met neighborhood opponents of MovingAhead. At the NLC Transportation meeting in March, Jess Roshak. Jess...
Listen to the author read this story. by Joshua Kielas Recently I’ve been hearing a steady stream of misleading arguments...
Jon Pincus: Approving a demolition permit for a National Register property crosses a major threshold. John Q: Should we demolish...
Committees within Eugene's neighborhood associations are working on some really interesting projects. At Friendly Area Neighbors, a wetlands restoration project...