by Marty Wilde Solving the complex problem of homelessness will require us to see beyond the surface. When we see...
Upper Willamette watershed
Community Development Director Will Dowdy: You can call that trickle-down Will the new seven-story Obie project on 5th take out...
by Homes for Good Homes for Good will be opening all 50 of our waitlists for housing programs around Lane...
Planning to mitigate threats from explosive devices; debut of 'ambassador cars' The City of Eugene is helping with the security...
Preparedness volunteers from Eugene's neighborhoods offer tips to beat the heat. From Ready Northwest, Jacque Wurster. Jacque Wurster: We are...
Question Time for Eugene City Councilor Matt Keating. Chair of the Southeast Neighbors Human Rights Committee, Rob Fisette: Rob Fisette...
Julie Lambert: Our guest interviewee today is R Self, activist-at-large, a member of several civic groups in the area, including...
Todd Boyle: The following is a report on the March Against Fear that took place on Sunday, June 20. There...
An ally walks his talk by Julie Lambert Recently Eugene held its grand opening of the much-celebrated Riverfront Park, which...
by Marty Wilde The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent activism should make us question the role of judges in public life....
During public comment at the Human Rights Commission June 21, news that white supremacist groups may be requesting the names...
Public comment at the city's Active Transportation Committee on June 9: Rob Zako: I'm Rob Zako, executive director of Better...
Julie Lambert: Let's talk about home. Wallace Stegner said that 'Home is the notion that only nations of the homeless...
Eugene residents say governments at every level are failing to protect us from environmental health hazards. Here are a dozen...
After the Eugene City Council deadlocked on a Human Rights Commissioner, Mayor Lucy Vinis cast the deciding vote. She voted...